Committed to my most expensive bike yet.

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Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Well I dropped the Ryan Vanguard recumbent off at the only recumbent specific bike dealer in Maine. He knows the builder personally and was really happy to see it. I have a buyer for it in Boise, Idaho. Dave Atwood is the owner of and is Maine's only recumbent dealer. He is the one I was discussing the RANS Fusion with. I took the bike to him so the buyer could get a professional opinion about it and it's condition. Once the sale is committed to Mr. Atwood will disassemble the Ryan and ship it to Boise. He will handle the payment arrangements and net proceeds will be put toward my new (leftover) Titanium Rose Colored RANS Fusion. Almost a $1000 bike... man that hurts to say... :shock: And yes I feel secure enough in my manhood to ride a bike with Rose in the name of the color.


I will however pass on the pink water bottle :roll:

The best part is I will have paid for this bike by selling bikes I bought cheap. Keep that in mind you younger guys. Grab that $5 or $10 dollar yard sale bike. Spend a few hours cleaning and tuning and sell it for $50 or $75 and then buy more. In a couple months you have the cash to do the things you want to your own bike or get the one you can't afford.
What type of riding style would your new bike be considered? Is is recumbent or forward foot. I guess it would help to see someone riding it to get the full effect. Is it comfortable or does it just look cool, or both?

Anyway, looks like a fun ride.
I just went on their site and read about it. I like the look of the RANS Cruz model. I'm not so sure about the pulling myself into the handlebars for increased climbing force. Probably a good workout for your upper back. I will just use my 240 lbs to apply the needed force. why fight gravity?

I'm sure it is just one of those bikes you have to ride to get the full experience. for $1000 a pop i'm sure they got something right.
for $1000 id take the pink water bottle too :lol: nice to see ya found what ya want, i have a hard time doin that. i like the color too looks goldish brown to me.
I found the cruiser to be cramped. The road bikes were uncomfortable and pompous. The mountain bike took to much out of me. The recumbent was super comfortable but I was nervous with it in traffic and on sections of road with no bike path/breakdown land. The RANS is a crank forward bike. 80% as comfy as the recumbent, no learning curve/uneasiness on the road. I think it looks cool, it's not real common which is a plus (especially this color), and it it made with excellent workmanship and decent components. Also despite it's size it's only 26 pounds. So far this is the best overall bike I have found for an all purpose daily runner.
Cool deal. That is great your LBS will handle your sell transaction for you.

I will look for your old one on the road here in Boise.
I had to back out on this for this winter, just put 175 gallons of heating oil in the house.. $575!! Ouch! The LBS was completely sympathetic to my plight. So as a concellation prize I am buying that Pashley Workbike I mentioned as an investment. It's green looks like a cycle truck, with a huge basket on the front. Lever brakes, Brooks saddle, and typical handbuilt $995 Brittish Pound Snobery Pics this weekend when I pick it up.