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i am here for you and you're family :!:

count me in for my prayers :!:
Everyday, starting NOW.
Appreciate all the prayers guys, we got some answers today, not the best news but definitely better than what we were told to expect. It has really been a comfort for me knowing you guys are out there with me. God Bless all of you guys !!!
Appreciate all the concerns and support guys, emotionally we're doing better, physically ... not so much at the moment. More tests tomorrow though and were hoping we can get some better direction on how to treat this stuff.
Just wanted to thank you guys, we've finally found out my wife has got an auto-immune disease and are on the right track now relieving the symptoms, still got a few more tests that need done but after about 3 months of being down and running around to different docs, things are looking better !!!

Appreciate it greatly you guys !!!

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