There was an ad on craigslist for a couple of repop krates, so I called. The one I wanted was gone but he told me he had 30 or so bikes in a shed and I could come down and look to see if there was anything else I might want. Well I got in the car and drove the 2 hours to louisvill, ky. Glad I went. I bought a Schwinn breeze for $20.00, a Schwinn collegite for $10.00, a Schwinn 1976 stingray for $25.00, a Speedway mini bike (no engine but a complete roller) $10.00.
The best was a Schwinn Corvette. This bike is complete and original. $50.00. I just could not believe the luck.
Here is a picture of the Corvette
The best was a Schwinn Corvette. This bike is complete and original. $50.00. I just could not believe the luck.
Here is a picture of the Corvette