Quick Update! Sorry for slow posting lately...
Very close to being done, just have to make or paint a shied thing for front, clean it up, then I'll take final pics - hopefully tomorrow, but all in all it's done.
Here are final few pics I took from last week...
Fenders were a BEAST. I must have put together 5 sets of fenders, from cutting and grinding, to riveting, etc. I thought I had one that I cut a hole in, and was going to use a bracket made from ice tongs, but it would not behave.

This pic shows the number plate I made out of 1/4" clear plexiglass, painted everything except a circle in center. Painted the orange stipe and white #8. Had to use a #8 (or zero's) so it would be same from both sides since it's clear in circle.
I finally got a set on there I like, and the solution turned out to be very simple. I cut the fender where it hits the frame, put a smaller piece of a fender through hole, then set rivets to put it all together - painted 1/2 of it black, left other half chrome. I like it because the fenders have NO FENDER BRACES, and the fenders follow the radius of the wheel (that was a boger!).

Another thing that took FOREVER was to run the headlight wire inside the frame from generator to front. It may have been easier on a new frame, but this one was old and it had rust inside. I used an old guitar string to thread, or snake, the frame tube, then wrapped it around the wire and pulled it through - took about 5 tries, wire kept coming of right at the end. DOH! But got it to work.

I realized I did not have a decent chain, had pats of an old nickle-plated chain and parts off a rust-bucket, so put them together to make one chain.
FINAL PICS COMING SOON! Been a fun project. Cheers, T.