Here's the first bike I've done since I found this RRB.
It is a Murray, it came with bad everything and so I put the good to it.
New: paint, tires, grips, pedals, seat. I decided to stay with the reflectors for this one though I usually don't. The bracket on the front is for the basket, more of a bucket really, that I'm working on.
Thanks, I'm having a blast! I'm doing the Bare Metal Build Off also. Hooray!!
It is a Murray, it came with bad everything and so I put the good to it.
New: paint, tires, grips, pedals, seat. I decided to stay with the reflectors for this one though I usually don't. The bracket on the front is for the basket, more of a bucket really, that I'm working on.
Thanks, I'm having a blast! I'm doing the Bare Metal Build Off also. Hooray!!