So grandson #2 will be old enough for his first bike this spring, so originally I thought I would pass down the '71 Lil Tiger I built for his older brother who has outgrown it. The more I thought about it, I decided to heck with that. I am going to build him his own ride! I figure that way I'll have a basement full of 12" bikes someday!
Here is the newest member of the family. Western Flyer Direct Drive. Looks like it is pretty much complete. I think I can save all the chrome except maybe the sissy bar. I need to find someone who can rechrome it for cheap. Other than that, I think I am going to have Bryan at Links n Kinks powdercoat it a nice metallic purple. Also probably recover the seat a cool silver glitter. Should be a fun project.
Here is the newest member of the family. Western Flyer Direct Drive. Looks like it is pretty much complete. I think I can save all the chrome except maybe the sissy bar. I need to find someone who can rechrome it for cheap. Other than that, I think I am going to have Bryan at Links n Kinks powdercoat it a nice metallic purple. Also probably recover the seat a cool silver glitter. Should be a fun project.