Did I fracture/Break my arm?

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Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
Marine City, Michigan
Rating - 100%
6   0   0

Today i was working on clearing the ice from the porch, and walked inside to grab something, slippery wet shoes caught the slipperyness, and made me fall, and put my foot through the wall...this is the 3rd time...Mom loves that.

Well, my arm made contact with the edge of one of the steps, and i thought, Ow, And i walked outside to get the stuff i was trying to get, thats when the pain kicked in. There is a small scrape...and it hurt then.

Walked back inside, saw i put another hole in the wall(thats when i realized :roll: )

Well, the pain dulled away, and i carried on, but the spot around the cut/scrape is now swollen and barely bruised. I can move my arm fine, wiggle all of my fingers, but when i go to squeeze something, with my thumb and pinky(i guess using that muscle) It hurts then, Or when i touch it...Hard. Like, press...Like a bruise!

So Did i bruise this thing, or break it?

Cant afford the X-rays, But if EVERYONE thinks i damaged it, ill find money and go in.

And for kicks, My dad was scared, he thought i put my arm through the wall and called me hours later after i talked to him to go to the ER...

"Dad, I fell on the stairs, and put my foot through the wall..."
"ooooh, that makes me feel a lot better..."
"By the way, Is that drywall still in the garage?"

Heres what ive tested:

Dad "Twisted" my arm, nothing hurt
I put pressure on my arm, Nothing hurt
Make a fist, twist my wrist...nothing hurt

I discovered the pinky/thumb thing when i was looking at tires for my car... :mrgreen:

Thanks again guys, I always go to you all for help.
Ive broke my arm 3 times when i was younger. if its broke, it will let you know its broke, like you cant pick anything up broke, the one time i fractured my arm i could still use it but would get a really sharp pain putting pressure/weight/twisting it.

I certainly hope your not confusing me with someone smart though. I waited 2 days before going to the ER when i punched a door and broke my hand, it swelled up the size of a softball and i was still hoping it would fix itself :lol:
Give it some time. I think you'll be fine after awhile but if you see no improvement, go to the doctor because you don't want your arm to heal wrong...

I broke my arm in the summer of 2004 when I was 11 years old. I broke my humerus bone 2 inches away from my shoulder. No pain at the time of the accident -- only extreme dizziness. I noticed shortly after that when I would raise my arm, it would just fall down involuntary. I was confused so I kept on raising my arm and it kept on falling down... No pain at all. PAIN IS A GOOD THING!!! I wish I had felt pain because I was destroying my arm -- lifting it up continuously while it was broken causing the other portion to drop. My body was in shock, I didn't feel anything until I got home from the medical center which was probably about 5 hours later. Shock faded away and pain kicked in... Yeah, not fun.

Let me tell you the worst part of it. I couldn't have a cast because the break was up so high. I only had a sling. Therefore, my immature 6th grade peers didn't believe me that my arm was broken. It would constantly hurt even when I wasn't trying to move it; you never know how much your body parts move until it lets you feel the pain when you do move them! :lol: I remember I was sitting on the bus and a big kid was laughing and for some reason he flew back into my broken arm and it hurt BAD. A few weeks later, this strong girl passes me in the hallway and punches me in the broken arm (remember, no cast)... I will never forget the pain. It was the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life. She smiled. I think she liked me but doubted I had a broken arm and that's why she did that... it was unpredictable and unforgiving. From that point on, I lost a little bit of respect for the human race and appreciated my dog a little bit more. Getting punched in the shoulder/arm hurts, but when it's broken, it's hurts worse... I've been there and it does not feel good, trust me! :mrgreen:

They say it takes 2 months for a broken arm to "fully" heal. I still feel mine in the summer when I'm working on bikes. Broken arms are nothing compared to other injuries, though, remember that... Nerve damage and severe burns are a whole new game.
From your description it doesn't sound broken, bruised internally yes but not broken. Or at least I hope not broken. Hope you feel better soon.
I feel better, but i would assume it is bruised internally..

I can touch it, its fine now, theres no more swelling...but if i sleep on it, i wake up and its a little sore...
Im still using it!

put it this way, its about a 1-0 compared to the 6 the first day...haha

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