Do the Locomotion

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Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hoping there's enough time to finish this bike, here's my entry.
It's my 1954 Locomotief:


Fenders were rusted through and gone, and I'm not sure if I'll be using the chainguard, as I want to show the sprocket. Sprocket and cranks will be black due to loss of chrome. Wheels will probably come off my Velor (144 spokes), paint most likely Hamerite, allthough the fork which I testpainted is not really the effect I want. Am doing this bike after workhours, but things have been quite hectic lately, so I haven't gotten much further than this yet:


Seat and handlebars to be decided in a later stage, I have a few options laying around.
Those dropouts were pretty common, especially because they are meant to commodate these also common chaintensioners:


I chucked mine (too rusty) out and will get a new set, as they are only 50 cents to a euro each at any LBS over here.
Nowadays these tensioners are hardly in use on newer bikes, don't know why. They are simple and do their job !

As for the chainguard: I know where to get a new cover (thanks C.S.) but I want to be able to see the sprocket and the dropouts, so probably won't use it.

Cheers !
Ace said:
Those dropouts were pretty common, especially because they are meant to commodate these chaintensioners:


I chucked mine (too rusty) out and will get a new set, as they are only 50 cents to a euro each at any LBS over here.
Nowadays these tensioners are hardly in use on newer bikes, don't know why. They are simple and do their job !

As for the chainguard: I know where to get a new cover (thanks C.S.) but I want to be able to see the sprocket and the dropouts, so probably won't use it.

Cheers !

You could make a chaincover and leave out a circle for the sprocket for all the world to see. Could be nice, or maybe not. Do you have a stylistic vision for your bike yet, or is it coming along while building?
Thanks Rudolf, I like your thinking, but that depends on the material used. The old cover was plastic, and cutting into it will make it tear further beyond control I'm afraid. But I'll keep it in mind, might fabricate one from something stronger, but that depends on time as well. Am doing this as I go along, I just know it's going to be silvery Hamerite frame/fork with black parts/rims.
Got my Locomotion a nice old headlight today, pretty cheap as well:



Just need to fabricate some sort of bracket 8)
Update: cleaned polished and painted these parts:


Next is to spray the frame after sandblasting, but every time I have a spare moment after work the blaster is in use... :roll: the mean time I'm trying to find the right bearings for the bb, and preferably a new axle as well, the old one has a few grooves from years of useage, plus getting a black chain. Am undecided yet whether to black out the handlebars as well, or not. :?
Looks like I'm not gonna make the deadline guys...apart from lack of time (work is crazy lately, but can't complain in todays world) it's mainly the crankaxle & bearings I need to replace but haven't been able to find yet. As the better LBSes have closed down around here lately so I'm left with shops like Halfords... :roll: Also FBI weekend is coming up as well 8) but rest asured I WILL finish this bike as soon as time permits. Decided to go with a darker Hammerite grey, this one (see fork) turns out too light to represent any locomotive metalwork. We'll see how it turns out later !
Good thing about not finishing before deadline: I still have something to do :wink:

Update with some better news: managed to find a replacement crankaxle, including bearings!
Blackened the rims and spokes this week - check.
All parts that needed a final look at, cleaning and black paint - check.
Extra small reflectors to make back and front lights a threesome like a true locomotive - still searchin':


Choice of colour for the frame: not purchased yet, still looking for antracite, a deep shining mix between silver and dark grey.
Handlebars: I am pushed more and more towards boardtrackstyle upside-down bars, but that depends on how it will fit me.
Being 6' I need to be able to ride it, I'm not doing this just for pictures sake.
Am scheduled to have the sandblaster for the frame this week, can't wait to get on with things!
Have to weld on a few attachments for the new chainguard, and after that it's spraypainting time.

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