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thats so awesome!! I bet no one messes with that kid for a while. :mrgreen:

why is it that so many people are ready too crap on the USA to avoid offending who?? immigrants? I mean who else would be offended by the US flag? those administrators should be fired and banned from teaching in the US, they are a disgrace to our nation..

/end rant
Good for the kid :wink: People these days won't even let you fly your countries flag :x
mikesbikes36 said:
WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP!!!! why in the sam h*** could u not fly the flag on ur bicycle ..!!!! what is this country comming too? WOW
The school district claimed that it was " A safety issue"
I would think that having a flag on your bike would make you more visible hence it would actually be safer.
Maybe we all should be required to have flags on our bikes :mrgreen:
2manybikes said:
mikesbikes36 said:
WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP!!!! why in the sam h*** could u not fly the flag on ur bicycle ..!!!! what is this country comming too? WOW
The school district claimed that it was " A safety issue"
I would think that having a flag on your bike would make you more visible hence it would actually be safer.
Maybe we all should be required to have flags on our bikes :mrgreen:

The reason they claimed "safety issue" is there was some fighting about the Mexican flag at that school on Cindo de Mayo. One problem= NO flags. :roll:
As I've always said if the AMERICAN FLAG offends you, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! I'm sorry but all this kissing badonkadonk to keep from offending someone is ridiculous. First it was displaying the 10 commandments on the courthouse lawn, then Bush closes the doors and builds a big fence to keep all the hard working Mexicans out of the country and let all the lazy Taliban leaders over here and give them all government grants to buy convenience stores. :roll: Sorry it just makes me a little uneasy. I'm okay buying foreign oil but I want to buy it from someone I can understand that doesn't need a gallon of flem to pronounce his first name.

Then the whole cash for clunkers program, they should have had another program, if your car is a bigger clunker trade it in for one of the turned in clunkers. By doing that they destroyed so many nice vehicles that were still great vehicles and hurt the economy more than helped it. Come to think of it did Bush do ANYTHING that helped the economy? Is it just me or was bush a little retarded? Okay end of rant.
Rat Rod said:
Political correctness will be the undoing of this great nation. :(

Very true, I mean I can see problems in calling them names or being rude but if they are causing us to change our way of life that is too far, if my neighbor wants to worship the sun, Buddha, Ala, or the Easter bunny makes no difference to me, Just keep it to yourself and don't complain about what I do on MY side of the fence. Like the old song goes.... "This land is my land, this land is your land...... stay off my land and I'll stay off yours. :mrgreen:
this was a sad story but had a great ending. i did not watch the video i watched it live from sacto. i wish i had known they were going to do the mc rally i would have liked to drive down and take part. agreed that we need much more of this sort of thing to wake us up and realize that we are loosing it. if you dont support your own countries flag then who do you support? RIDE ON KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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