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I don't have Facebook, but think I saw this on YouTube.
Little blue bicycle car?
If it's the same thing, the designer is trying to raise money to atleast put plans up for sale. Might be able to build it one day, but who knows how long these things take.
I don't have Facebook, but think I saw this on YouTube.
Little blue bicycle car?
If it's the same thing, the designer is trying to raise money to at least put plans up for sale. Might be able to build it one day, but who knows how long these things take.
Litte blue canvas, suspension yes same video, I could not find it on youtube, so thanks. What a headache to get that licensed. In Michigan you need a sticker for a motorized bicycle, sort of like an ATV sticker. No one gets them but you legally need it and of course you can't get one if you have a DUI. In some states motorized bikes are called DUI mobiles, but you can't do that here. You can't ride on the bike path and I would really hat to take this on the 4 lane road that has the bike path along side it. I would be a donor mobile.
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Ohio has some laws that I find ridiculous, not so much on electric bicycles but moped laws are not favorable imo.
The city of Cleveland is currently dealing with a guy that has one of those scooter looking ebikes, he took the crank arms off.

He got pulled over and now there's this whole deal because it looks like a Vespa,but he says it's a bicycle. The story goes.....

Since launching the campaign we have learned a lot about the legalities of a PodRide type vehicle.

Shown below is a high level overview of our understanding of ebike regulations for Europe and North America.

EUROPE: The 4 wheel 250W motorised version of PodRide will be legally classified as an ebike in European Union countries. (As a pedal assist configuration as defined in EN15194.)

USA/CANADA: We plan to offer the 4 wheel non motorized PodRide, and the 3 wheel motorized PodRide for customers in USA/Canada.

The classification of ebikes and other forms of transport is a complex matter in the US. There are federal rules and lots of different regulations at state and city level. A four wheel non motorized PodRide is classified as a bicycle in many jurisdictions. But adding a motor of any size or configuration would mean PodRide is no longer classified as a bicycle. To comply with these regulations we will produce a 3 wheel motorized PodRide for North America which be classified as a bicycle in most jurisdictions. The US allows up to a 750W motor, and Canada allows 500W. See more details regarding US/Canadian ebike regulations. You should review regulations in your country and local jurisdiction to ensure you can legally use PodRide where you live. The 3 wheel motorized PodRide for North America will come out some time after the 4 wheel PodRide has been released.

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