So i went up on friday to get some parts for one of my project Vans and a part for the camaro and it seamed like every other vender had Bicycles for sale most being a newer style , but i did see a few older ones. Guys where rolling in with truck loads of bikes . I also came across parts venders for bikes as well more then normal . Needless to say i couldn't find all the car parts i wanted but i could have left with a few more bikes other then the one i was ridding . And of course i got alot of questions on hey where ya get that ? How much did you pay for it ? I was ridding my rusty screamer .. lol
if your tri state east coast you may want to hit the spring show it might grow in to a bike swap meet and not car and truck swap .
if your tri state east coast you may want to hit the spring show it might grow in to a bike swap meet and not car and truck swap .