I have a guy locally that has some bikes he is looking to sell me, but neither one of us wants to throw out the first offer. He lives about 40 miles from me and I don't want to drive that far so I had a friend that lives close to him stop by and look them over for me.He has 2 Schwinn Co-eds, one is a 60-62 in 8 of 10 original condition and the other is around the same year but somebody hit it with rattle can black; the next on he says is a '59 Schwinn Rangerette, but I think it is a '59 Roadmaster Texas Rangerette. My friend says it is in 8 of 10 original condition plus it has the Star sprocket on it. The last two are Alenax "Pump Bikes". He had someone look up the values online and they told him the Co-ed's are worth $100 and the Rangerette is worth $200-250. He said we could make a deal, but I don't know what to open the negotiations with. My buddy was going to take some pics for me but he dropped his camera in the snow when he got there and it didn't seem to like that. He is going back Saturday to snap some pics for me.