Fameous Last Words

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Rednecks last words: " Hey watch this!" :lol: :roll:
ooohhhh, my user !!! - TRON

ive had a few close calls in my day, if those count the most recent would go like this

"That sounds fast" followed by me getting hit by a jeep
As a firefighter I have heard this a few times

It's fireproof!

I can make this light before it changes

but some of my faves are

Gee, that's a cute tattoo :shock:

He's probably just hibernating!

Why is the rest of the Star Trek landing party wearing a different color?

Nice doggie

OK this is the last time

I'll get your toast out

What is a rat rod to you? :lol: :wink:

I think I'll paint it, it's going to look sweet.

No, it's fine, I can carry it.

Taco Bell? Yeah! That sounds good!

Go get your shine box.

Gloves? I don't need no gloves for that.

Do hot dogs go bad?

Yes, I stopped taking my "meds" but the Leperachaun is being nice right now.
When she says " I'm ready, I'll be there in a minute". :roll:
Then preceeds to brush her hair and teeth, put the dogs out, wash the dishes, put the clothes from the washer to the dryer, fold and hangup the clothes she just took out of the dryer, make the bed, sweep the floors, potty, brush the hair and teeth again, decides to change clothes cause she didn't like the way that outfit fit today, pin her hair up cause it didn't look good enough, let the dogs back in, feed the dogs, stops to put gas in the car, has to go back home because she forgot her ID in the other jeans.
This is just so we can go ride bikes.

Yea, "I'm ready, I'll be there in a MINUTE" .
Dangerous Dan
....inflammable means flammable?!?!
...why dont they just say flammable!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
That's not MY job!

I'm qualified to do this and done it a million times!

Let's go on, the weather will let up before we get there.

That fuel gauge acts strange sometimes.

We're late for take off, we'll get the mechanics to look at that when we get back on the ground.

You will be a ok it doesnt look that bad
Nice dog he dont bite
Duz this bike make my butt look big ( yes she really said that and yes it really did)
Hey kid get in hear and change the channel

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