Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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What do you think about a feedback tool?

  • Good Idea!

    Votes: 26 68.4%
  • Bad Idea!

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • Don't Care!

    Votes: 8 21.1%

  • Total voters

Rat Rod

Owner & Founder
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
23   0   0
Several folks have asked me in the past for a feedback tool in the forum to be able to rate buyers and sellers.

We've installed a new feedback tool and will be working on the look and organization of it soon. Currently it is set up to look better with another forum template so there is some adjusting that we need to do still.

Let me know if you like the idea of being able to leave feedback for others on the forum or if you think it's not necessary.
I think it will help but shouldn't be the only thing taken into account when entering into a transaction. I
I think it will help keep people honest and let new folks get an idea who they can trust.
Thanks Steve for doing the work required, like you aren't already busy enough :mrgreen:
I think it will be good as long as it is not abused, there are a few who start complaining if the item is not at their door in 2 days. You should try to have a checklist for people to look at before leaving a bad feedback, making sure it is warranted
All in all, it's a good idea. If you wanted to give someone more confidence in you as a seller or buyer, you could also post a link to your ebay feedback section as well on your profile, if your an avid ebayer. In fact, I think I'll do that right now.
As the administrator I will have the ability to add or delete feedback from user's profiles.
Thanks for those links pepper!

You know you're getting old when there is an "old school" paint ball forum...ha ha!

Kinda like saying an old school flat screen site. :lol:
the chance of abuse, the extra work for Steve (and perhaps the other moderators), and the fact that we should all incorporate due diligence before we buy anything is why I voted against. I realize this site is getting bigger, but If I see something I would like to buy (here or anywhere) I check around a little.

Is this a new RRB member?
has this member sold anything before?
Can I get the part anywhere else for cheaper?
Will this part really fit where I want it to?
Has any other RRB member bought something from this member? Were they happy?
Ask the seller all questions you can think of.

These are simple things we should all do. It's the buyer's responsibility to research and make sure it's what he or she wants. I also know that sometimes I'm not happy with a purchase even then. It happens. Sometimes it's my fault, sometimes the seller's. If that's the case then the old saying: "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.". This is not ebay. It's a forum that happens to have been generous enough to give us a vehicle to sell some items.

I am clearly (at the time of this writing) in the minority, but that's my two cents worth.
Skip, I agree with your sentiments exactly. Hopefully this new tool will be fairly automatic and abuse will be low as RRB bike is fairly low drama.
Most of the forums that I visit these days that have an active classified section seem to have a feedback tool built in. Some of them have large volumes of traffic and sales and that may be why it's necessary. I know we haven't had many issues here, but the forum is growing quickly and I'm trying to think ahead.

Not sure what the alternative solution might be besides creating a "call out" forum as others have mentioned to alert people about folks who don't deal honestly.

I'm open on the subject either way. My goal is to make the site easier and more productive while also keeping it safe. If this tool creates more problems than it solves...we'll need to ditch it.
I like the idea the paintball site has, not everyone wheels and deals, so it would make more sense to have it's own section. 8)
thatismytruck said:
the chance of abuse, the extra work for Steve (and perhaps the other moderators), and the fact that we should all incorporate due diligence before we buy anything is why I voted against. I realize this site is getting bigger, but If I see something I would like to buy (here or anywhere) I check around a little.

Is this a new RRB member?
has this member sold anything before?
Can I get the part anywhere else for cheaper?
Will this part really fit where I want it to?
Has any other RRB member bought something from this member? Were they happy?
Ask the seller all questions you can think of.

These are simple things we should all do. It's the buyer's responsibility to research and make sure it's what he or she wants. I also know that sometimes I'm not happy with a purchase even then. It happens. Sometimes it's my fault, sometimes the seller's. If that's the case then the old saying: "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.". This is not ebay. It's a forum that happens to have been generous enough to give us a vehicle to sell some items.

I am clearly (at the time of this writing) in the minority, but that's my two cents worth.
completely agree with you!

could do what the h.a.m.b. did.
As of right now, if you flake on a deal in the HAMB Classifieds I am going to post your personal contact information for the world to see (as well as ban you)... This thread will contain a list of bad sellers and buyers as well as a way to get ahold of them...
that kinda keeps it down some...but its not something for oh he said 3 days to my house but it took 7 kinda stuff.
just money stolen without anything in return
I see both sides . Like you didnt send me my part and I want an avenue to fix it where you wont do it to anybody else. I also see the other side where you sent me some wheels you said we trued ,but I see a little bobble in them when I spin them. Alot of people have differant ideas of what good and perfect are. We dont take criticism well either. I think... JOJO sent me a 1920's frame and didnt tell me it had a small dent in the down tube will cause some problems. Just my 2 cents though...I hope it works.
thats along with what i was think....i know once starts getting to high dollar stuff peoples opinions varry alot then. there was a big stink about a high $ bike that was sold on another site and caused a big stink.
but if i was dropping big amounts on something id want to see it in person BEFORE anything was purchased
thats why people need to do homework and try to go local first,if not ask for pictures, and think before you buy
the main things i wanna know from other member who bought from the seller are things like; How accurate was the description of the item?, was there any damage they didnt mention?, was it a reproduction selling as a original? (some people, including myself, cant always tell), if there was a problem how well did the seller comunicate? and how well was it packed?. i dont think it has to be as elaborate as ebay with questions like how reasonable were the shipping charge because thats usually stated before you even think about buying or sometimes around here its just actual shipping costs :D . we had that "Good Guy Alert" topic awhile ago and i all ways tried to give a shout out to good sellers but it quickly gets flooded away and people that didnt see it when it was up top, usually dont. so i think this is a good idea.

much appriciation and many thanks to Rat Rod!
I like the my short time here I've had nothing but positive experience both buying and selling. I'd like to share it. At the same time... while the site is growing, the regulars that post here all seem to be great guys. A good community like this one seems to police itself. Thanks Steve for the great site (insert thumbs up smiley here)

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