I used to drive by this little bike rotting away in this guys driveway for years on my way home from work.One day it was parked under the rear tire of his car and I decided to rescue it.
It's a AMF Roadmaster.I cut the rotted ends off the feneders,hammered the tank as close to good as I could get it the welded and molded it in.
Spray bombed it satin black.All the twisted stuff came from a kid at work who needed money.I got a NOS seatcover and vintage cereal box license plate from ebay.Heated and bent solid rod for seat post.I still need to mount the plate and work out a seat post clamp.I'm hoping a seat clamp from under a seat will work.
The best part about this bike is it came out good enough to get me into the hobby.My wife got into it to and now that I've finished her bike I can get to work on my own.I also found this site trying to find stuff for it so I guess it's paying off.
The best part about this bike is it came out good enough to get me into the hobby.My wife got into it to and now that I've finished her bike I can get to work on my own.I also found this site trying to find stuff for it so I guess it's paying off.