Thanks Jerry! Glad you guys are getting better weather too.
Thanks Dale and Great story! Glad to hear your sons were making your Dad's day

Hey Kingfish, your probably not missing too much with the fewer posts lately but glad to have you stooping by. You are right, Krystal is a lot like White Castle except no grits on the menu (ha, ha). I went to Krystal with my Uncle in Tennessee after the bar once (in the eighties). Same vibe, I think...
Hey Luke, I can't take credit for the color matching LOL. I can't even get colors to match on purpose 
Thanks DJ Bill, Randy, Twister, Skipton, and Nagant!!
Riding Presence
Sorry about the delayed update. I'm shooting for the first of the month now so I'll see if I can get a little better at it.
So we are well into summer and it's great. We've been getting rides in when the weather is good. I've noticed (and my Wife too) that FIL is in his own little world more and more. Most rides are pretty quiet other than verbal riding instructions (when I'm not sure if he saw my hand signals). I noticed the same behavior in my Dad and Grandma after a while. He still rides great and has excellent balance. If I try to talk with him, he usually say, "Uhhuh". I'm pretty sure he didn't hear. When we aren't riding, I have to talk loudly very close to his ear. His attention to other people around him has dropped somewhat too, which my wife says that he has problems with focusing outward.
But it's okay because just like my Dad (in his later days), sometimes it's about "presence" and just being there or doing things together and not so much communication. So we'll see how long we can ride, for right now it's still good.
Thought I'd switch it up a bit with the photos. First the On-the-way shots:
Summer weather means shorts and a t-shirt, Yeah!

I can only imaging him thinking, That DQ is only a street light away, please hurry and change...

Now the DQ "Happiness" Shots:

I have no idea what he is doing with his tongue

Riding home...
It was a beautiful day, just perfect

We got a little rained on this day but it was worth it

This day we had a bit of an issue. I was trying to make it easier so FIL wouldn't have ot ride up the kinda steep hill. So we turned of the path early but the cars don't have to stop (but usually do). Well they stopped and I went across but FIL didn't follow. Not sure why not. I finally convinced him to cross the street (while the cars were patiently waiting, thank you). So I think I'll go back to the old route so there is less doubts about crossing. Live and learn...

My Sister-In-Law is in town and I think FIL will have plenty of opportunities to get to DQ. Once I get her bike done, we can all ride down to DQ together so I'm looking forward to that.
We canceled a ride today since it was 93F with heat index of 104F 
. It's suppose to be fun and healthy and I don't think it would be either today.
Thanks for Looking