flip flop buddy peg crash story

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Feb 19, 2012
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oklahoma city
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back in 1972 ... flip flops where kinda cheaply made, and for the most part you can still get the same kind. they are prone to
blowing out... I was about 10 at the time, riding a bike I built, it was my 2nd bike and the 1st one I built from spare parts.

Tachikawa airforce base, late in the afternoon.. my kid brother was riding on the back of the bike.. on what we called buddy
pegs. This was before the bmx bikes and the trick pegs... we put them on the front and rear axle of the bike .. and someone could stand and thus the buddy peg. this was my 1st 10 speed bike.. had the handle pulled up so i could set up high in the seat

anyway .. my kid bother on the back buddy pegs.. managed to blow out a flip flop at a high rate of speed. and after the
bike went out from under me ..and i came to a stop missing about 2.5 lbs of skin and my 1st fm radio I looked to the bike to
find my brother laying across the top of it. his leg went down into the rear tire and bent itself up in ways that it should not have
been ... I would kill for a pic of that now. anyway ... they had to cut the whole back end of the bike off to get him out of it.
and I was more bloody than he was... and some how this all got blamed on me. but this my reason for the no flip flops
on bikes... I know it was 40 years ago .. but I LOST a really great bike that day. :cry:

this would be the 1st of many great crash's on bikes that involved me and my brother... with bikes..and skate boards...
free advise .. when your being pulled down hill by a bike and your ride'n a skate board .. if you loose the board..
let go of the bike...
Re: flip flop buddie peg crash story

Henry morgan said:
I know it was 40 years ago .. but I LOST a really great bike that day. :cry:

No love lost for the brother I see. :lol:

Great story.

I'm not a fan of flip flops because they are just nasty. I'd rather see someone in bare feet than in flip flops.

Now that I've said that, I have 2 pair of flip flops and I wore them 3 times the entire summer.
Funny stuff right there, I had a similar incident with my younger cousin. I was on my Redline and he was on a ten speed ( he was weaing flip flops, the super cheap ones) while doing mach 3 trying to catch up to him, he proceeded to leave the paved road headed off into my neighbors dirt driveway, he was pedaling way to fast when the front part of the flop on his right foot, pulled through and his foot went right out the front of it and into his front wheel, he did cart wheels and summer salts for about 20 feet screaming like crazy with spokes sticking out everwhere. I laughed so hard I wizzed alittle in my pants. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I had a similar thing happen when I was younger. I used to leave my bike outside in the yard laying on its side (back in the day when it wouldnt get stolen) thus letting rain rust out the cheap Kmart pegs. Well one day I was riding and double riding a friend. I hit a bump kinda hard going full speed when the pegs broke loose and my buddy racked his jewels on the rear tire. Needless to say he screamed like a girl.
Carbon said:
Funny stuff right there, I had a similar incident with my younger cousin. I was on my Redline and he was on a ten speed ( he was weaing flip flops, the super cheap ones) while doing mach 3 trying to catch up to him, he proceeded to leave the paved road headed off into my neighbors dirt driveway, he was pedaling way to fast when the front part of the flop on his right foot, pulled through and his foot went right out the front of it and into his front wheel, he did cart wheels and summer salts for about 20 feet screaming like crazy with spokes sticking out everwhere. I laughed so hard I wizzed alittle in my pants. :lol: :lol: :lol:

ha ha.. thats cool .. but man rule nr 23 in rat rod bikes says .. never ever admit your wizzed even if its just a little :oops:
I cant wear those cheap flops, they hurt my big toes.
I never wore flip flops til i moved to CA in 86 from missouri.
Anyhoo, no more haulin on bikes 4 me, so flip flops are ok.

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