Flower Bed Bike....I finally did it....

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Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
Central Indiana
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
I finally caved and put a bike in one of the flower beds around my house. I took the old Phillips? womens frame, cruiser handle bars and a set of wheels& tires off an old 10 speed and bade bing...bada boom....There it be.... That's my contribution to the flower beds.

same here, an old rusty "schwinn" girls, basket is full of flower pots! :D

I told mrs jerrykr that it is in "parts storage" if I need a part off it.
A basket is coming and I couldn't tell you what the green things are.

If someone is dumb enough to try to take it, thats fine. They have to get through my 3 dogs (2 Rottweilers, 1 Belgian Malinois. It's the Malinois you really need to worry about.....). If they make it through them, my Sprinfield Armory/Gunsite security system is next. If they can make it through that, then they can have it.
Road Master said:
I don't know - that bike still looks pretty good. Seems like it would disappear on it's own, or with some help.

i'm liking the idea but thinking the same would happen around here. after a few minutes thought i'm thinking weld it into a position and maybe weld a spike on too, to drive into the ground. they may still take it, but they'd have to work for it, and then not be able to use it once they pulled it up.
ya been doing that a few years but instead of 10 speeds i use old coaster brake bikes 8)
mine is leaning against a tree, with a bike cable cut off a CL bike and a padlock around the tree.

the stem/fork is rusted into a cockeyed position, and although it rolls fine, after about 10 feet of correcting the direction, I bet the bad guys would just throw it down in discust. :wink:

my killer cat would just watch it go, and I ain't going to bring out the artillery over a $5 rusty plant stand. :D
I can't bring myself to puttung a good men's bike out yet. I've got too many plans!! Now women's frames?......no problem. I've done 3 so far and I'm sure ther'll be more. I don't have any daughters so none to build for.

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