'laughed in his face' is an expression I've heard and used for awhile, but never actually had done it.. until recently. My brother-in-law was looking for a suspension mountain bike (big ol' spring on the rear, and shocks up front), nothing highend, just department store bike would be okay for him. I was yardsaling with him, my significant other, and mom-in-law. We spotted a roadmaster mountain bike in one driveway that looked in decent condition, so he got out of the car to look at it. I'm thinking under $50 is a fair price for a good used department store bike, less if tires are flat, rust on chain, etc. He is talking to the lady running the yard sale and then I see him chuckling and slapping his knee. Then he is full-on laughing, one hand on his stomach and the other pointing.. then he starts walking back to our car. He gets in, and I ask what is so funny, and he says that the lady wanted $180 for the bike.. to which I guffawed and said 'sheeeeeeeeesh'. Then he says that she claims to have paid $1000 for the bicycle, at which point the entire car busts out laughing so loud that the lady is eyeballing us, as I motor away.
We weren't intending to be rude, but when experiencing such a 'pulled out of your orifice' number, we all got a case of the knee slapping giggles.
We weren't intending to be rude, but when experiencing such a 'pulled out of your orifice' number, we all got a case of the knee slapping giggles.