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Sep 13, 2006
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Maine USA
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I don't remember what I had for lunch, but I will never forget that day. Doesn't seem possible it has been 8 years.
At 8:46AM 8 years ago I sat at this same desk, thinking: "How the heck could a plane hit one of the Towers? What are the chances? Weird. Sad." Then news of the other one. Stunned I was. I had no thoughts. It made no sense. President of the company sent us all home since we all just searching the net for info anyway.
On my down 91S, a frantic driver was speeding and flashing lights to get people to let him by. I moved over as I noticed the NY plates. He waved thanks and was clearly shaken. I got home. I was alone with the television. I could not stop watching. At some point Alberta got home from work. And I picked up Boy from wherever he was. I kept watching.
The next day was a day off work for me to spend with Boy. I watched the whole day. Anger festering. Alberta got home from work. She told me I had to stop watching. She was right of course, so I did. Whenever news of it would come on we would change the channel. I still do. I have not stopped being angry. I have not forgiven. I will never forget.
my niece was born that day. we were all watching in the waiting room that morning while it all went down. the nurse said how overwhelmed the staff was because of all the babies being born that morning. really made me think about "someone leaving / someone arriving" i'll never forget that day, and it makes for a bitter sweet birthday for Angelina.
oh yea, Happy Birthday Kiddo :wink:
i was there.....

no not at ground zero but about 10 miles away i used to live in queens. my good friend was in one of the resturants in tower 2. when the plane hit the security guards tried to keep everyone inside. they did not know what had happened. he punched him and everyone ran out he got to liberty park then it fell. it is a day that is burned into my soul and to this day i get very emotional about it. i will never forget a few years ago at the california state fair when i found the memorial they have built. i literally fell to my knees. i think if you were not there it is different no one around me understood it seemed. see new york does not sleep and that night it slept. RIP to all those who's lives were taken that day and never forget i know i wont.
Another topic on here, that most have probably seen, ask "what ticks you off?".Anyone suggesting that I have forgotten on ever will forget makes my blood boil.Last year a local fire dept that I pass by on my way to work every day had a sign out front asking " Have we forgotten 911?" for about a week. I had to look away as I drove by.It was all I could do to keep from stopping and having a confrontation with whoever was responsible. :x :x
I didn't intend to sound like a jerk in that last reply , but I am still ticked off about 911. Actually I have not gotten over Pearl Harbor yet.As a matter of fact, I'm still trying to deal with General Lee's surrender. :oops:

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