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Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
UPPER LAKE C.A. est 1854
Rating - 100%
14   0   0
THIEFS !!!! I had another item vanish right under my bedroom window friday night, it wasn't the easiest thing to drag out but they did it, was it locked up ? unfortunately no ,it was in front of my car down my driveway with a narrow path to get it out of. on the good side it will be hard to mistake if I see it, on the bad side it was hard to find this one, so at the moment , I am trikeless....and so ready to move....

Aw man, that's got to be a bad day there. I hate thieves, but on the other hand if they could get to my trike to steal it without waking up the neighbors on the other side of town.... they would deserve it.

First they'd need to pick the lock to get into the shed (and it's a tough lock to pick), then dodge the wall of 10 bikes hanging from the roof......I know they are there and I bang my head on them all the time...lol.

Then find it.....lol. Then dig it out........IF they can. And this is an old picture, I've gotten 7 bikes since then.

Then find out how to ride with no crank....lol

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