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Nov 10, 2014
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I am a disabled veteran and am seeking help.I was recommended here after getting much hassle elsewhere. I am unable in some ways and unskilled to do what you all do here.I am having great difficulty adjusting now that I'm home.I fish on obscure beaches it allows me to be calm and for a portion of the day feel good enough to not want to hang myself. I have a fat tire beach bike.I need a fat tire trailer that can carry a little gear few rod holders etc.sometimes I'm up for days and days and my service dog is by my side watching over me.when I finally get to a point I'm relaxed enough to sleep he is so wiped out it would be great to give him a ride in the cart give him a break.Csn someone tell me in a way a guy who isn't a fabricator can understand how to make or find one.Or would one of you enjoy a paid commission materials and labor to do what you love for someone who could really use and appreciate the help.Thank you for your time
Ya, adopting fat tires to a kiddy trailer aught to be doable with some help from locals.

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I have a Burley type tow behind trailer in good shape, has regular size 20" tires but maybe wider ones would fit. I would be glad to give it to you for your project if you would cover shipping. Maybe put something in the bottom to protect the nylon from claws and it would be ready to go

Another idea. Riding lawn mower wheels/tires would give you really good float in sand. Just would need a piece of steel tube or rod to fit the inside diameter of the rim bushing.
Hey Bud! I was reading your intro and felt a little of the distress you must have 100 fold from your endeavor. I know what its like to be incapable, and have the one whos closest to you struggling to keep on the task after so many hours, days, weeks..

My first thought was to make a thread about your situation, maybe someone would chime in for donations sake, given how friendly a lot of these fellas can be.
With the sensitivity pertaining to you and your prefered off hour hobby, I think I can put an idea out there.
Grab a shelf, like from a shelving unit on CL .. a deck of wood about 8x15 inches.
Like Walker suggested, maybe using riding mower wheels, or the like and mounting them on with some brackets at the Home Depot [which they should have NO arguments about helping you, and providing the best method of parts for..washers.. the bracket..etc.]
with a screwdriver and a power drill, you should be able to fabricate yourself a box on wheels. [add a third for stability, if your setup plans allow]..Add a few pieces of trimmed down PVC to hold the handles of your poles up, as you ride, leaving enough room still in the compartment for your days gear, or your poochie.

[sizes and parts vary, of course, but this should give some semblance of the basic layout.]

If you were to buy one, I would simply ebay a bicycle trailer, see whats in stock. Try to aim for durability where you'll have your pup, and maybe jsut makeshift a little cratebox for your stuff to be on the buck end.

Im really sorry to hear of your predicament, But thank you for your service and duty.
I hope this helps!~

[P.S. sometimes pet stores, the little noname ones who do all their own cat trees and stuff, build pet trailers for just such occasions,, Just a thought! Could always check CL]

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