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Jan 17, 2015
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Hi to you all rat rodders :D
I'm Fulvio from Italy, I'm reading the site since a year but only signed up today...
I'm 21, I love bikes since well...forever and I competed in road, cross-country MTB and cyclocross since last year. Now I abandoned the races to focus on my other passions, riding DH and freeride, snowboard, working on my cars, and building bikes!

I love everything metal (and yes, metal music too - no pun intended xD) and last week I went mad and got me an AC/DC TIG welder to start welding some stuff on my car, and to use on future custom bike projects :D

So that's all, I let you a random old pic of my pride and joy, just so you can't say I've not showed anything haha


I'm going to start a thread about my first built from scratch bike, please don't be rude on my grammar mistakes, I learned english by myself :X
Bella macchina ! E 'bello averti con noi . Ho vissuto a Vicenza Italia per quasi 3 anni . Ho avuto modo di vedere un sacco di Italia mentre ero lì . Molto bel paese .
Thanks to all!

@roadwarrior già, è un gran bel paese...peró a me piacerebbe vivere negli USA. Sarà la solita storia che l'erba del vicino è sempre più verde u.u

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