Dr. T. That's almost exactly what I was thinking of when the auction rat was becoming a reality! ...and before Mikebikes36 came up with his'...
Just to generate some new ideas, here are some of mine:
I'm still VERY proud of this one:
But ofcourse you can always improve/customize an existing rack. I've always wanted to make one out of an old skateboard, but found something better:
And way before the Rustrocket Auction Rat and these previous bikes I was building this tire protruding rack. Also made out of the same stuff as my fenders: Aloy strips. Err Profiles, as it has a small lip on the topside
...However... I didn't succeed in making it look good quick enough. Mostly due to the position of the rearbrake... Scrapped the rack idea and finished the bike without one.
Last month I bought a potato masher(?) (That thingy you use for making mashed potatos) Because I see some sort of rack in it for a future build... :shock:
Maybe not your cup of tea but it could generate some other ideas.
Remember: Racks are cool!