Hooch is on a diet!

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Sep 7, 2006
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Sunday I started a diet. no set diet but cutting portion sizes down and cutting out snacks and known bad stuff
I hit 310 ughh for my height (6'5) I don't look huge but all my flexibility is gone So I am hoping between cutting back and exercise I can loose at least 50lbs and gain a bunch of flexibility
I have a sweet home gym that I got free off of Freecycle.org and a ghetto exercise bike I threw together with parts.
I will be easing into it so I don't hurt myself hahaha.
I will be posting results as I go.
unfortunately my bathroom scale doesn't like me at the moment since it pegs at 300 lol
I have always been a bicycle guy but never a cyclist maybe I can turn that around!
Good luck! Whatever you do - don't get a pair of Richard Simmons nutter workout shorts! :lol: :roll:
Ohhh that's a strange man.
Good luck on your diet!
That pic of Richard Simmons made me throw up in my mouth..... :oops:
I'm 6'8" and 326 lbs..I guess I need to diet too? Lol..I love cookies and ice cream as much as I love bikes!!
Hooch... I'm 6'4 and have been at the 300lb plateau before. I know it's harder to take off than put on!!! I stay around 250 lbs and really need to be at 220 lbs. I try to watch calories and drink water instead of soft drinks. I'll skip a meal every now and then and that helps. Good luck!!!
Hey Hooch, getting started is the hardest part. I know I have lost the same thirty pds twice in the last year and a half. I have been saying I am 6' 260pds well I just weighed in at 266 thats right at the heaviest I have been. My doc told me to get down to 215, told him thats what I weighed in jr. high,lol. I was able to loose weight by keeping under 1400 calories a day and walking 3 miles 5 days a week. I work nites so my feeding schedule is all screwed up. Jack in the box is right by my house, many ,many early morns I eat the ultimate cheeseburger meal,oh and gotta have the two tacos then come home and go to bed.We have to admit that we are getting older and its gonna be harder to loose later. Good luck, may just try this again.(after these boxes of girl scout cookies are gone)!!! :shock: 8) :roll:
Put that exersize bike in front of the TV...no reason not to ride it while watching the tube. I started forcing myself to ride 1/2 hour while watching the Simpsons every night (during winter). It doesn't happen every night and now sometimes I ride a hour+, it's a solid start. Plus your legs are ready for spring.

I find I don't ride it long if not watching the mindless-box.

They say that 5 or 6 SMALL meals is the way to go. Don't skip meals...Your body goes into 'starve mode' and will burn muscle while saving fat. If you eat small meals every 3 hours or so you never get really, really hungry and make those bad food choises (ummmmm A&W Teen burger and rings). It's a hard change to make...shrinking down those portion sizes = requires some thought and prep time. But you do get used to it...it takes time. It's not fun...but when you start to lose weight, people notice and remark, it really motivates.

Throw in some weight training and I have just summerized the book 'body for life'. Saved ya some money. :lol: Oh ya and the best part of the Body for life plan is one day a week you should reward yourself by getting to 'eat normal'...and after the effort of the little rabbit meals, I find I don't tend to go crazy that day.

P.S. My issues are Beer and BBQ... :oops: and PIZZA (holmer drooooool)
For me, it's not so much the weight as it's the health. I'm 35 and have done a decent job so far planning for my retirement. I want to be around and helthy to enjoy it.

I currently weigh 210+/- at 6ft. 3in. I weigh myself most days and keep a chart on the fridge to track progress. I also keep a list of goals on the fridge. It's been a big help. For example, I'll make June 1, 2008 the day I stop drinking soda...for good. I've also replaced my snack foods w/ a mix of salt free walnuts, pecans, and sunflower seeds with some dark chocolate chips mixed in. It tastes awesome, it's good for my heart, and I don't miss the cookies, ice cream, or chips I used to snack on. Eating at home or packing a lunch is a big part of it too and that has a side benefit, you'll save money!

During the week I keep the percentage of fat grams per meal down to 30% or below. The Cooking Light website and magazine has been a huge help in that department. Lots of tasty recipes, that won't kill you w/ calories and fat. I also cook quite a bit of Asian food. It's quick to make and utilizes fresh vegetables. Lowering the portion sizes of what you eat also helps.

Don't get me wrong, I can't eat like this everyday. Weekends are a rules free eating time for me. I can have whatever I want to eat, in moderation. However, more and more I find myself eating healthy on the weekend too. I find after eating well and then having something fried, the heartburn really becomes a problem. That's enough to make me think twice before I order the double bouble w/ bacon.

The last thing. Drink double the water you currently do. Chances are, you aren't drinking enough as it is.

Eating healthy will effect your attitude, sleep, confidence, and ability to think clearly in ways you never expected.
I find the gravy and butter diet really doesn't work. I read about it on the internet and so it must be worthwhile. If I stick to it, I'm sure it will start working.

skoda said:
I find the gravy and butter diet really doesn't work. I read about it on the internet and so it must be worthwhile. If I stick to it, I'm sure it will start working.


Probably not.
hooch take the advice of homers(sorry this is related to the simpsons........)personal dietitian.....
anytime you crave a snack... bellpepper!....want a beer? bellpepper! dinner? bellpepper!
sorry......had to do it!
anyway good luck!
yea skoda the butter and gravy diet i tried that for 10 years hahaha
since I sold some parts off my excersize bike I needed to get it going again... so I kinda ratted it out!
added a freewheel crank set up so I can coast down the hills hahaha
added some cool apes! and some old skool red bmx grips and one of those seats that makes you go hmmmmmm but actually is quite comfy
the speedo is off now due to the gear change but it still works you just as hard
I might finangle a chainguard back on it yet but its safe as is



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