How loud is a Bendix 2-speed supposed to be?

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Nov 2, 2010
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Shermer, Illinois
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Never had a triple red band 2-speed Bendix before, are they pretty loud when running in high gear? My wife says it sounds like a diesel truck. Low speed is pretty quiet. Maybe I did something wrong when I cleaned and regreased it?
Usually the kickbacks make more noise in low gear than high. High is usually quiet. Here's something important you can try. When you mount your wheel, put the screw through the brake arm and strap and attach to frame but don't tighten it. Line up your wheel and tighten your axle nuts. The last thing you do is tighten the strap on the brake arm. If you do this first you can put the guts in a bind and you will get noise. Gary
I don't know a ton about these, but the kickback I had didn't make much noise in either gear, and I was told by someone more knowledgable in them that it needed servicing, so if yours is in good shape and properly installed, it should definitely not be that loud.

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