Huffy CocaCola

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Jun 18, 2009
Reaction score
Garden City Mi 48135
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
Picked this up yesterday
A guy from work says i got this old huffy bike i wanna sell. Will ya give me 40 bucks for it. Sold
i realy think you score on that bike it look's new there is a guy here in the island that has one do you know if they were limited production :?:
here is a picture of the bike i realy don't think is in the shape you're is in it seems that youre's it's all original and brand new :!:
The guy said it had hung in his garage for years and he only rode it a few times, The pictures make it look a bit better than it is, Needs a good cleaning and some touch up but should be a nice bike. Looks like made in 84 or 85 from what i read so far.
i think you have score and score big :lol:
this were limited production :shock: are you going to keep it or sell it :?: i will keep it for a while :wink:
good thing :!:
i will do the same,and flip the handlebar save the fenders away and you got you're self a rat rod :!: :D
i think that ebay is the place to place it if you're looking to sell it
i will keep it for a long while is a nice bike and a colectible is coca cola the longher you keep it the more you make :!:
Rustinkerer said:
These are worth more to Coca Cola memorabilia collectors than as a bike! I think they did a 20" bmx version too. ~Adam
That's true and there are to many collectors for coca cola products out there so you will have lot's of them intrested in it so don't giveit up hang on to it the longer you keep it the more it will bring good luck!
later, mike.

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