I hate home ownership!!!

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Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Body: Kokomo, In... Mind: in the gutter. Soul: in
Rating - 100%
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Well I thought I heard my toilet running so I went in and jiggled the handle and nope. Walking back to the living room I passed the water heater closet and heard the running water noise so I open it and get sprayed in the face with hot water. Found the leak. :? Tried the shut off valve and it just turns and turns. :x Pulled the access cover that goes under the house, no shut off valve down there. :x I finally resorted to wrapping a piece of tail light repair film over it with two hose clamps and got it down to a slow drip. A friend who works in plumbing is on his way to Wal-mart to see what he can do for it tonight since Menard's is closed.
..Sorry, I meant HOME OWNER (heh)

Aint it Great?

If it aint one thing then its 20 others.

I got a list of stuff to do around here.
Do yourself a favor and when you fix something or get something fixed, do it right. Spending a little extra $$ now will either save you money downstream or make you money when it comes time to resell.

Use quality materials, upgrade when you can, maintain your core systems, and purchase a home warranty. This year I've have the stove repaired, the garbage disposal replaced and a new garage door opener (w/external keypad) replaced for a total of $200.

Just my experience and .02. :wink:

Dr. T
Well the house is insured as part of the mortgage. But I don't think they cover anything but the house being totally destroyed.
At this point it's been one thing after another. So far the roof has been replaced $$$, I had to tear into one wall to repair water damage from an air conditioner $, Exterminator to get rid of house centipedes that were a result of the water damage $$, Had to have the lateral line (sewage line that goes between house and city sewer snaked twice $$, Furnace replaced $$$$, bathroom remodeled $$$, All that was done by professionals, I only did my redneck fix for the night till I can get the stuff to do it right. But being on a tight budget if much more goes wrong I'm gonna loose my mind. :x
I was all set to finally buy a home when I retired from the AF, but the market didn't look good, and they decided to offer base housing to retirees. I weighed the advantages: gated neighborhood, all the neighbors in the military, no electric bill (it's in the rent payment), maintenance on the spot, and they even cut the grass! So, I live 3 miles from work and have no upkeep or repair to worry about.
Yeah, sometimes things are more trouble than they are worth. The roof was $1,000 just in materials, and I got a small house. :shock: That's a lot of bike money. :wink: Luckily some guys from our church volunteered to help get it put on. 8) When you rent you just call someone else and say this thing broke come fix it. :mrgreen:
I hear ya, what a pain. I don't think I'd buy a house if I had it to do over again. For one thing it's allowed me to accumulate TOO MUCH SHTUFF!! I don't have the skills for electrical or heating. Nor most of plumbing, though I'm learning. :x
scrumblero said:
sounds like your ready for that $7500 sewer main I did last spring.... :roll:

Bite your tongue.
I Love home ownership!

yeah things break down, its bound to happen, but that just gives me the opportunity to go buy more tools :mrgreen:

I fix most everything myself, not very often I have to hire someone to get something done.

Here's some shots of a house I bought on the cheap, fixed it up and resold it...



in progress




And here's a few shots of my current house, it had a water leak where the roof met the wall, I ended up extending the roof like it should have been when the house was built.




My last project.... my 22 year old son bought his own house, and it needed a little fixup, here's the kitchen remodel.






And done...


As you can see, I enjoy working on stuff like this, my next major project is building a new garage so I can move the boat out of the main garage. which means more room for bikes! :mrgreen:
Nice, I'd like owning the house if I had a good steady job and a decent income so I could afford to do everything I wanted to do. Right now I am scraping by on money I put away from buying vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds, ATV's, and bicycles, then fixing them up and selling them.

here in Texas we go thru a lot of roofs, we are almost guaranteed to get hail damage every few years. I think I'm on my 3rd one since I bought the house now. Got some damage in May of this year, roof is 6 years old. It's not leaking, but it did sustain damage. Insurance will pay for it to be professionally replaced, and the roofing companies are always able to legally cover the owner's deductable. Bottom line - free roof if you have damage.

BTW: you cannot see hail damage from the ground, but if you got any hail of any size, it's time to call the insurance adjuster to come out and inspect the roof. this is a no-cost service of your insurance company. I learned this by living next door to my insurance co. agent.
Awesome, ours was mainly due to a Walnut tree someone many years ago thought was a good idea to put close to the house. I been so tempted to chop it down but knowing my luck it'd fall on my house or the neighbor's house.

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