Most of the collection was purchased at on auction held by the Schwinn Family. It is owned and operated by the Crown Company - the one that makes Forklifts and such.
Pics to come soon. I'm about to upload them. I took 188 pictures! :!:
Ok, so here are a few of the pictures that I took. This place is awesome! Everybody that is in to bikes should go. There are three main showrooms with a few small areas in between. And i got to go down in the basement too. Oddly enough the this museum also has displays of precious stones, police badges and my favorite - those old giant dials that were used to rotate your antenna on the roof. One bike i was excited to see was one of the round white light up bikes from the last olympics. I have much larger pics if you are interested, i just didn't feel like waiting for them to upload. and if you are looking for any pictures in particular, just ask, i probably took them.