impala rebuild

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Thank's alot Hooch! Spent an hour in the middle of the night going over his build! :x Just crazy!At least when I bring 'Part's Car's' home I can hide them easier! :wink:
almost looks like work(accept thats one of them old cars :wink: )
saw that one on the other site awhile back that guy mustve got a great deal on that 4 door or he REALLY wanted that car on the road...
First.. How do you register and title a car you just "found" in a ditch? Second it would have taken him half the time if he didn't take a pic of every single turn of the screwdriver.. I honestly got to page three and then jumped to 19.. lol
I've seen stuff like that on . They start with older cars, but definitely stuff that is that far gone, and definitely using 4-doors as donor cars. Not sure with with what some of the repliers to that thread are used to.

He is what old cars are all about: limited resources ($), but lots of skill, and passion. When he's done, he'll have the satisfation of knowing that he pulled that car out of a river, and made it a car again. You can't get that feeling writing a check or swiping a card.
SkidMark said:
He is what old cars are all about: limited resources ($), but lots of skill, and passion. When he's done, he'll have the satisfation of knowing that he pulled that car out of a river, and made it a car again. You can't get that feeling writing a check or swiping a card.

You said it all right there SkidMark. It's all in the feeling you get when it's all done.

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