I had a .22 rifle marked J.C. Higgins. There is some cool old stuff marked with this out there. I'd love to find one of those old plaid JC Higgins cooler/ice chests and mount it on a bike.
I had a .22 rifle marked J.C. Higgins. There is some cool old stuff marked with this out there. I'd love to find one of those old plaid JC Higgins cooler/ice chests and mount it on a bike.
Not to get too far off topic with that subject, but since we're there anyway, I went through an old building being used as a warehouse today... and came across an Elgin! Yah, a 1940's Elgin outboard motor! Talk about crazy finds. There was an aluminum 90's cruiser bike called a Shakalaka too... that was weird but cool.