This is a ladies Murray Nassau approx. 1984. It has the Olympic Rings decal from when Murray was the "official" bike of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Frame is steel, 26-in wheels, took 1-3/8' tires I believe. Check out the seat post where there is a forward bend just above where the top tube connects. These tubes are lugged by the way. That bend is curious and I've just about concluded that the bike left the factory that way rather than this thing having crashed and gotten bent. I can't fathom the force that would bend the seat tube like that and there is no corresponding crinkle, broken welds or brazes around the rear fork, rear stays, or drop outs. There's no tell-tale paint crinkle at the bend either. It looks like everything on the bike is original except for a pedal and an extra long kickstand. I've seen one other Men's Murray Nassau and that seat tube did not have a bend it. I've seen one other J.C. Penny Ladies Murray of similar age that did not have the same bend in the seat tube but also the tubes were welded up w/o lugs. Anyone have any insights into this frame? Is it factory or was it bent? It doesn't look too bad in the picture but has a good bit of rust so I'm going to strip it down all the way, paint and detail it back up, and change out brakes, and maybe replace the 3-speed Shimmano internal hub thumb shifter, all the cables, pedals, etc. It'll be an easy cruiser for one of my daughters.