Late 50s early 60s Schwinn double strait bar, paint?

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Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
So Cal near 210 & 57 fwys
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So what do you think?

I am looking to buy an old Schwinn double straight bar as a project bike for my son and I to work on together. My question is this; "Should I repaint, powder coat, or leave the bike as is?"

It is a personal decision but I am very interested in what other Schwinn peeps think. Any thoughts?
As you said it is a personal decision. But....

I am not a purist but I try not to wreck and original. If it is nice and has a great pantina, leave as is, if it is rusted to kingdom come then paint or powder coat is great as it will then be you and your sons.

This is just my .02
That same question came up for the bikes my boys & I are working on. Our answer was to make that call on a case-by-case basis. Some have very light weathering but will clean up nicely keeping the original look. Some will be repainted to work on our painting skills. And some will be powder coated if they're going to be for show or something along that line.
A project is exactly that. If you want something you have painted, then paint it. I avoid powder coat because if you change your mind about the color later on it is an expensive option that you don't want to redo. I just paint and then clear with a clearcoat which I add hardener to. If you like the way it is unpainted, don't paint. But I think any build is more fun with paint.
Peatbog said:
I'd paint it. As a project bike for you and your son, you get to work together to do that.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback. After reading everyone's posts, I think I am leaning tword painting. But, this will be my son's bike so I think I will give him final say. Mostly, I didn't want to "step in it" by doing something that would hurt the value of the bike. In the end, it is the journey of the two of us doing it together that counts... Thanks again.
Lead Sled or phil or dad...
If this is the bike you are thinking of repainting, I would seriously re-consider it. Hard to find nice clean original bikes.

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