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Aug 15, 2011
Reaction score
western pa.
Rating - 0%
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This summer was very busy and also very Hot here in western pa. so we didn't get as much riding in as hoped.
We did ride some and also added to our riding stable. A ladies 3-speed 26" Free Sprit, both mens and ladies
Huffy Superia 26" mountain bikes, Schwinn Meridian 26" adult trike and a American Speedster 5-speed 20"
Side-kick pedal car. Now that fall is here we hope to get in several rides before winter hits.
Update: Just picked up a 24" rollfast ladies bike and a J.C.Higgins 26" ladies bike. The headbadge on the
Higgins reads made in Austria and the sprocket has JCHIGGINS stamped into it. My wife has been talking
about it since the beginning of summer. It was at a local indoor flea market so I waited to get a better price.

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