So I decided to enter the ORBO competition this year.
I already started on the frame a while ago. Its my learning project: Learning to: Braze, Mitre/Notch, Use my alignment jig, Roll tubes and Bend tubes.
The project is standing still due to lack of a base for the bending machine or tool.
I ordered a 'post' or stand to work in my shack and with a good working height, so I won't hurt my back and the tubes have good clearance for swinging.
The first post I got from a shop was terrible. Very thin wall thickness and couldn't handle the torque + force.
I sent that one back and I designed one myself.

Long story short: When this post is done and ready to anchor to the floor, I can start bending the CrMoly chainstays and seatstays.
The bike's general direction:

First sketch!

Headtube, bottom bracket, seat tube brazed together and the shaft is temporarily assembled.

Current state. Top tube nearly ready to braze. I want to braze the top tube and chain/seatstays in one go.
Lots of work to do!
I'm planning on 26" wheels. Tires won't be super fat due to the shaft limiting tire clearance.
Ratio 2:1 (like a 44t - 22t regular chain driven bicycle).
A nexus 3 hub will work fine or a single speed.
Link to original topic on Ratrodbikes forum
Name inspiration historic bicycle link
Translation of Acatene:
acatène (plural acatènes)
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