As for motorizing, think about going electric. IC motors need to go away (no offense to grease monkeying as a hobby). There're are some cool electric bikes out there...and fast. See
I really couldn't agree with you more, but until we get infrastructure in place ICEs are necessary for small, independent commerce.
I am actually working my way to building vending bikes in the near future.
A $400.00 (48v/20AH) battery will take me 16 miles at best (I know, I have one and I am disabled and do little pedaling, but the assist is helping to build that up, thankfully. Also that number is just me, not my vending trike).
I need to get my vending trike 22 Miles each way to go to town and sell my product, so I need an ICE.
It gets me there, then my electric takes me around town once I'm there.
Until battery technology can replace that, some are stuck using such.
FWIW I abhor 2 stroke, and 100+MPG isn't too shabby in the scheme of things, I wholly assume.
I'll def change as soon as it's feasible and I support transitioning ASAP.