I went and took the cruiser for it's first ride the other day when the weather was nicer and took some better photographs. You've definitely got to look out for speed bumps with this bike! The only fault I had was the chain slipped when going up steeper hills so I'm getting a sprung chain tensioner rather than the rubbish one I found in my parts box.
Well, as soon as I got the new chain tensioner I fitted it and now there is no chain slippage. I thought I was finished however as with most projects there is always another problem that appears. In this case the disk brake mount that I'd welded to the frame had bent in on itself and my whole back wheel locked up after braking sharply. This was actually one of those clamp on brackets designed for a bike with no lugs for a disk brake which I've always found to.... Bend in on themselves. To cut a long story short I also found that the rear triangle had also bent down on the join of the bracket so after hammering this back I beefed the back up: