Looking Into Electric Bike Kits

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Dec 8, 2011
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Sacramento, CA
Rating - 100%
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With both of my motorcycles now gone (one sold, one stolen), I'm considering replacing the motorcycle hole in my life by converting one of my bikes with an electric bicycle kit.

I've been doing quite a bit of research, and I've come up with a few front runners, but I thought I'd put it out here, in case any of you have specific experience and/or knowledge of some of the brands/options.

Top choice right now is the Hill Topper kit: http://www.electric-bike-kit.com/hill-t ... Qgod60sAzg

I like that it has a possible 40 mile range, and that it's a front wheel kit, so it can easily go on any of my bikes. What I don't like is the top speed of around 15mph, as I was hoping for at least 25. In fact, I consider 25 the magic number for both speed and minimum range.

The other current frontrunner is the Currie system, seen here: http://www.currietech.com/bikes-online/ ... ion-kit-3/

The one negative this has is its multi-speed hub, since I would most likely be putting this on a single speed bike.

So, any help, input, or advice is welcome.
I checked out their website, and boy howdy, if I wanted to up my price about $500 more than most of the other kits I've been looking at, then I could have a pretty high performance e-bike.
Anything over 20 mph is not legal in the USA. Keep in mind that speed follows a logarithmic power curve. it takes a LOT more power to go 25 mph vs 15mph. Without a throttle those ranges are suspect. I've been doin' the eBike thing for 9 years and I've found they're mostly a pain in the butt. I use one for commuting, but batteries for it are something of a crapshoot. I had a $75 set last less than 2 weeks. That's the equivalent of about 3 mpg. A Hummer can do better than that.

You can save a ton of money if you can find an old electric scooter and rob the drive out of it.

I have a front hub motor kit that I had mounted on a Schwinn Town and Country Trike (17 mph max) and a '61 Western Flyer (22 mph). It is just sitting in the garage gathering dust since I mounted a gas motor on the Flyer. It has a set of 12 A/h batteries (36v set up). If you are interested I would sell the whole set, motor, wheel, controller, batteries, and charger for $100 plus shipping.
udallcustombikes said:
I have a front hub motor kit that I had mounted on a Schwinn Town and Country Trike (17 mph max) and a '61 Western Flyer (22 mph). It is just sitting in the garage gathering dust since I mounted a gas motor on the Flyer. It has a set of 12 A/h batteries (36v set up). If you are interested I would sell the whole set, motor, wheel, controller, batteries, and charger for $100 plus shipping.

I think I'll take you up on that. PMing you.
yoothgeye said:
JoKeR63 said:
Anything over 20 mph is not legal in the USA.

I don't doubt you but how is that across ALL the states and why would they do that? Is that just bicycles? How about Segways and the such?

As far as I know, it's a state by state thing. However, I figure that if it says it can do 25mph, then it'll do 20 at the most with me. The rider is usually calculated at 170lbs for these type of things, and I weigh 240, so I feel confident that my large frame will slow it down into the legal and kosher range.
yoothgeye said:
JoKeR63 said:
Anything over 20 mph is not legal in the USA.

I don't doubt you but how is that across ALL the states and why would they do that? Is that just bicycles? How about Segways and the such?

Bikes are regulated by the Consumer Products Safety Commision. A bicycle is defined as a 2 or 3 wheeled vehicle, with up to a 750 watt electric motor. It must have pedals as its primary source of power.
When the gubbermint wrote the most recent revision (2003), it sipulates that NO state can have more stringent rules. Thanks GW. (he signed this into law)

It's been a while since I've done any reseach on this, your mileage may vary.
clamdigger said:
yoothgeye said:
JoKeR63 said:
Anything over 20 mph is not legal in the USA.

I don't doubt you but how is that across ALL the states and why would they do that? Is that just bicycles? How about Segways and the such?
Why would they do that? http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CRPT-107hr ... 7hrpt5.pdf

So I read that bill, which might be a first for me. 20mph is correct for the limit, and everyone knows that it must be capable of being under pedal power, but there are other limits that I didn't know.

To be "low-powered" enough to stay off of the DMV's radar, it must be 750w max, or less than 1 horsepower. Many of the kits I've been looking at are 1000w, so I guess I would be taking a risk of getting a ticket every time I ride it (assuming I don't go in and register it). Also, another odd rule that was way down at the bottom is that the two or three wheeled bike must also weigh less than 100lbs.
Man your really giving the Police a lot of credit. I doubt that there are any cops
in the US that could look at an electric bike motor and tell you how many watts it is.
Mainly they watch to see if your doing something stupid like riding on the sidewalk
or busting stop lights/signs or running 50mph in a neighborhood. The rest is attitude.
I don't think they are going to try to bench press your three wheeler either. :shock: :D
I saw something I thought would be great on a Rat. A Compressed air engine. There are a lot of people who do it on You Tube. But one guy changed a 4 stroke engine over to run on compressed air and the exhaust goes back into a tank to save that air. Then he had a small compresser to refill his tank. Some of the videos are in the planning stages, But some are cool.
Gas motors attract cops
My gas motor has gathered no police attention (even driving beside them).

The compressed air thing sounds cool, but would be hugely heavy and I doubt would have the efficiency to sustain any real distance. "Saving air" from the exhaust doesn't make sense since exhaust air wouldn't be compressed, and last I've seen all the other air is pretty freely available. :lol: I will look into this, I know compressed air motors work, but as for recapturing "spent" air and re compressing without a gas or electric compressor onboard seems like claims of perpetual motion which isn't a reality.
There is a guy in my town, big dude too. He rides a ape hanger flat black rat. I would see him commuting on it all the time. For the life of me I could not figure out how he was going so fast. I saw the electric front hub moter the other day when he rode by. It sure looks like he is having fun.

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