lost this one at auctions

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Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Oswego, New York
Rating - 0%
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I lost out on picking up this beautiful Roadmaster at auction last night at $650, but I got a Schwinn Speedster for $100 at the auction. As I was heading into Kernsville, PA for the auction I missed 4th street and headed down 3rd and found this woman's Spaceliner at the end of the road. The owner was coming out of the house, we talked and both went to the auction and I bought the Spaceliner for $30 out of his rock garden.

The new owner (not me)took off the jeweled grips and pocketed them

The Speedster at it's new home


Spaceliner at it's new home. Springer is going on the Hawthorne. The rear rack might go on the Indian Scout. Seat will be rebuilt.


more photos are below at
JoeyMac said:
I got one of them Roadmasters, but not as nice as that. Is that an original or a repop?
If it has a skip tooth chain and a New Departure coaster brake does that make it original? yes.
sensor said:
well even though you lost that roadmaster you still got 2 nice bikes :mrgreen:
Yes, and I found another bicycle friend that might help me look for other bicycles. He might know where there is a basement filled with old bikes, if it has not been cleaned out yet.
Looks like to me you saved $650. Thats alot for a bike especially in these times. Wait till the end of this year or maybe the first of next year and alot of hungry people will be dumping them cheap.
The value is still there ,but tell me if you sitting on $10,000 worth of Vintage restored bikes and your balloon mortgage payment is due and you just lost hours at work........Are you going to sell them for top dollar and it may take months or are you going to price them low and generate some money to stay afloat. :shock:
There are plenty of barn bike here in New York area and auctions all the time. I will find a lot more bicycles. I still have the Iver Johnson to clean up, put the springers on the Hawthorne, learn how to "barge" fabrics from my girlfriend so I can fix old seats, wait for warm weather to finish painting Mars Lander 4, strip/paint more frames and then ride them.
No cars on mars said:

I tried to get rid of the frame at Monson swap meet but it did not go. So I cleaned it up and added other parts. This is what happened. I still have some cleaning on the frame. Trying to turn it into a 5 speed.



If that Roadmaster is original.. its worth every penny! Values dont decrease. Economics 101 "supply and demand". Demand is down, price is down, demand is up, price is up. Right now the economy may be in the crapper but that doesnt translate to values decreasing or people unloading treasure for cheap money