So I gave the bike a good cleaning soapy bath and degreaser for the heavy caked on spots. Gave it a very carful slow wipe down with the Maguires diamond cut compound. This is the equivalent of hitting your paint with a hammer when talking about how course this stuff is. I felt it necessary considering the build up over the years on the paint. You really have to watch what you are doing with this stuff. I am glad to say I made no mistakes, only because I took a lot of time in good light working on this. Next step was to bring the paint back with some polish, a more mild version of the first step. And lastly I used a glaze to fill in all the imperfections and really bring out the gloss I had rubbed off. Sorry I don't have better before pictures.
Everyone has there way of doing this process and this is just what I used this time because I felt the paint had a good chance of coming back. Normally I might just do the Polish and glaze steps. And other times just the glaze is enough.
Everyone has there way of doing this process and this is just what I used this time because I felt the paint had a good chance of coming back. Normally I might just do the Polish and glaze steps. And other times just the glaze is enough.