Matching Rim Hole to Hub Hole Count (any give?)

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Apr 10, 2008
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Sacramento, CA
Rating - 0%
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Hey Guys -

Wondering if anyone has any knowledge if it is ok to lace a 36 hole hub to a 32 hole rim? I know, I know, everywhere I have read they say that you should just match up the rim to the hub. BUT, I am just nearly finished with my bike build parts and I really want a certain rim (woodgrain velocity deep V's that I can get for cheap but only come in 32 hole!) that I want to fit to my Sturmey Archer Drum Brake Hubs. Anyone ever done this before and is it dangerous to do?

Thanks for all your guys's help, really... could have never even started to imagine I could build my own bike if you guys weren't around.
I had my LBS lace a 40 hole hub to a 36 hole rim. I only had it on a bike a short while so I can't really attest to how it holds up.
Technically there is no real problem, but I think it will look a bit odd, two unused rimholes on each side. I have a 32 hole rim, and am looking for a matching hub.
I'm sure there is some good reason (I have no clue what it is), but the British built many of their bikes with 40 hole rear wheels and 32 hole fronts.
Alright Thanks Guys...

I definitely trust your opinions on this matter, so I guess its back to the creative drawing table on this one. Finding a method of faux woodgraining rims (I'm using drum brakes) is a challenge indeed. If anyone has had experience either doing a vinyl application this way or painting please feel free to fill me in how they go about doing it (for the vinyl I'm just lost on how to get it around the spoke holes without it spreading when you heat it up to seal better).

Thanks again everyone!
(Finding a method of faux woodgraining rims (I'm using drum brakes) is a challenge indeed. If anyone has had experience either doing a vinyl application this way or painting please feel free to fill me in how they go about doing it )

I have an article explaining how to woodgrain a metal dashboard on an antique car, should be the same process, I will copy it tomorrow and probably best if I mail it to you, PM me your mail address, Rick
aka_locojoe said:
With the unused holes being on the hub I think you have to look pretty hard to even notice.

Yeah, I think you are right, but I'm a nut for details like that.

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