Picked up this little brute for my grandson. I build a 12" Schwinn Lil Tiger for my older grandson and was pretty happy with how it turned out. This one is an early 70s 12" Western Flyer. Since I am doing the build anyway, I might as well enter it into MBBO 2014. It is going to be a pretty basic build, so nothing too crazy. I also have two '66 Huffy 20" muscle bikes in pieces scattered around the garage, so if this goes well, I might enter another.
Cool thing about these 12" muscle bikes is that they can sit right on the workbench.
Stripped it all down. Not sure on the paint. Leaning towards a metalflake purple, but we'll see.
My favorite part of the bike is this awesome curved sissy bar. Need to find a good and inexpensive plater to get it rechromed.
Cool thing about these 12" muscle bikes is that they can sit right on the workbench.
Stripped it all down. Not sure on the paint. Leaning towards a metalflake purple, but we'll see.
My favorite part of the bike is this awesome curved sissy bar. Need to find a good and inexpensive plater to get it rechromed.