Ok, how's everybody doing, my amf still isn't here, so I thought I would do a little hunting, went around town,nothing. Went down to La Tuna ( local bar/grill) they were having a vintage bike day, nothin even remotely cool, bunch of middle weights with chrome fenders. So I was back in the car and to my local outdoor flea market, walked around found a overpriced trike, an overpriced tandem, the dude wanted 500 a piece hahaha. Some cool 20 inchers though. Walked inside, signs said antique mall, so what the hell right, well boys and girls, hanging from the ceiling, pedal cars, strollers, and bikes. Two spaceliners, a couple of weird dutch townies, texas ranger, any many more, just hanging from the darn ceiling. Great shape, hardly any rust, got a sales guy asked about the texas ranger, was quoted 450. Ok um hows about the spaceliner? 450. I laughed in his face, then said... Hey man, whenver you get around to taking them down, and getting serious about selling those bikes let me know, then turned around and laughed. So now I am just going to wait him out.I will try to go back and grab some pics so you guys can get a chance to see them. peace