More backwards forks bicycles, I know lets motorize them!

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May 11, 2010
Reaction score
Tulsa, Ok
Rating - 100%
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I know there was just a thread about this but I saw this bike on CL and thought It looked pretty scary with the backwards forks and motor!

All this does is tells me this guy goes down to wally world and buys these bikes. Comes home and slaps this $100 engine kit on them and then marks them up $200 more dollars. Thats fine if thats how you want to make a living or a little extra side cash but for christ sake make sure you know which way the forks are suppose to be! Or if you do know stop being so lazy and flip them around!
While normally I subscribe to the "to each their own" philosophy... when ya start trying to pawn off builds to the general public that are so cheap & built so poorly they're dangerous it really starts to bother me - the backwards forks are only the tip of the iceberg unfortunately, an obvious telltale of worse to come :(

It's hard to tell from such small pictures, but the problems are well known - coaster brake bikes aren't the best choices to begin with for obvious reasons, un-reinforced full fenders have a habit of breaking free and locking up wheels, the cheapest box store cantilever frames are known to fatigue and break, lets not even talk about single wall rims, 30mph & a pothole... :shock:

...and that's not even including problems with the engine installation - which while these pics were too small to pick out problems, if the guy didn't even notice the backwards forks while building, taking the pics or even posting them - I somehow doubt his mechanical skills were up to the task of mounting the engine properly.

Then there's the "DUI" thing... meh...

He may well be right, you may indeed not need a driver's license in Kansas - but keep selling death traps & marketing them to drunks specifically and you can bet soon enough you will need a license, or they'll be outlawed completely as is the case in other areas (or over regulated to the point it's effectively the same).

It's really starting to irritate the heck out of me, I really enjoy building these things and it seems some are doing whatever they can to screw it up for everyone. TBH I won't sell them for some pretty simple reasons - not least of which is if you didn't build it yourself odds are you don't understand it well enough to maintain it safely. Then there's the fact that if you build one nice enough to be truly safe, the price is high enough you'll not be able to sell it as they might as well buy a moped. They really can be reliable and fun, but they are based on cheap Chinese engine kits so much needs be done, modified & upgraded that selling them with any sort of honesty at the prices people expect is pretty much impossible.

There are exceptions of course, but as ebay & craigslist make abundantly clear - that's not the norm :? Whatever madness ya can come up with fer yer own personal use I'm all about and I love ta see what people come up with in the quest for style & speed - start selling them to Joe Public and ya better have a little bit in the way of basic standards, if not some self respect.
Not to mention, if he didn't notice the fork is on backward, he probably didn't take the time to grease the bearings that Wal-Mart NEVER greases. I've bought 3 Wal-Mart bikes and every one had clean dry bearings. Bad enough riding it pedal powered like that, I can imagine going 30+ MPH when the steering or wheels lock up.

Also with the vibration, and believe me they do vibrate badly, These things would fall apart. Also I see no rubber under the gas tank mounts like you should have....... :roll:

Wonder how many times he actually TEST RODE what he built? Or If he's just building and selling junk bikes with engines...... :roll: