my Burrito

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Feb 14, 2008
Reaction score
ok, i'll show ya all what i am working on. this is a sears free spirit ladys 10 speed, 27" wheels. i added the bars and build the seat. its all there but i had to add some conduit to get the lenght right. still in mockup. am doing some other things to it so it will be alittle dif as you see it now.


will post my other bikes also.

thanks, Outlaw :D
I like it!

I've only just recently became interested in Burrito bikes and now I want to build a 10 footer.I got all the stuff,my only problem would be dragging it in and out of the basement with the rest of the bikes.
this one is just under 8ft. its long enough. a 10ft. wow thats long ,go for it. to get more rake,turn the head over, i did on mine and what a different it made. good luck, keep choppin.

Outlaw 8)
Yeah I just grabbed 10ft out of the air...its hard to judge the length by the pictures.

Right now the only dimentions I have are seat to crank length and handlebar height that seam comfortable to me.

The rest is a far
Looking Good! Keep us posted. 8)
magic, i can give you measuments if you like.

Outlaw :D
no problem, i'll do some measuring in the morn and get them for you.

Outlaw :lol:

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