My sick dog update- lost him this week!1/13/11

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Oct 5, 2008
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north vernon, indiana
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the wife and i took our 5 year old cocker spaniel to the vet today. he has lost 3pounds, has been coughing, and just not his self. they did blood work, ex-rays and found that he has pneumonia and has either a tumor pressing on his heart or is in the early stages of congestive heart failure. the pneumonia is from the fluid that is aroung his heart. he is on lasix to get rid of the fluid and other meds to help. he goes back next week for more xrays to see how he is doing. please keep us and him in your prayers, his name is stewart. poor guy, his is one of our children, it kills us to see him like this! :( here is a pic of our little guy.
well, we lost our little guy monday night. he had been coughing some so we upped his lasix to remove more fluid. he had been getting a little better that evening. i took him out and brought him back in to put him on our bed and he just collapsed on the bed. we sat with him until he was gone. he went quick, it was not expected, seemed to be doing better and was taking him to the vet on tuesday. i think he probably had a heart attack. god, it has been so hard not having him around. please keep my wife and i in your prayers. they say time heals, its going to take alot of it. :cry:
Very sorry to hear of your loss, I know very well how dogs can become such a part of the family.
I feel your pain. We lost ours after 4 years . It was just like loosing a daughter. Ours went through seizures every 15 minutes for 2 weeks. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do , to have her put to sleep. We got another of the same breed thinking we could make up for the hole in our hearts. We weren't ready for a puppy after having a grown dog . You will just look at the new one and think how its not the one you lost. I feel what you are feeling because in a year and an half it still hasn't gone away .

we lost our dog oct. 30 2009 ,
it was on her 15th birthday.
we had her from 8 weeks old.
we brought home another dog
june 30 2010.pets sure become a part of you.
sorry for your loss.
so sorry for your loss, they are so much part of the family....remember the good days...
I feel for you man, I've lost dogs in the past as well. When you are ready may I suggest going to your local animal shelter and rescuing one in their memory, there are literally thousands of animals euthanized every day because they can't find good homes for them. I occasionally help out at the shelter walking dogs and playing fetch, it's a blast. There are some great pets just waiting for good homes I wish I had the space to bring them all home.
Sorry for your loss guys, my family has all kinds of pets and it never feels good losing a great animal family member, they know you miss them but they do want you to be happy in helping out another in need of the same love you gave them.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I 'm a dog guy that happens to ride a bicycle. The ONLY bad thing about owning a dog is saying goodbye.
I've done it 6 times, and while I've come to accept it as a part of life, I still cry like a baby when they go. No matter how sad we get,
the time from the 1st day we get a puppy until their last day is worth the tears. I can not imagine not having at least one dog. (I have one on either side of my as I type) As long as you keep the memory in your heart you dog will always be with you.
thanks for the kind words guys. it has been a rough week, crying everyday, not wanting to do anything, and really not even wanting to be at home. we just have to go on i guess. we run an animal rescue in our town so we always have "kids" that are in need of help and rescuing. i guess we can just look at it as going on and rescuing in his memory. tell you what though, there will never be another one like him! we have 3 other cockers also and just took in one yesterday for fostering.

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