National Moto & Cycle Co.- Motorized Felts'

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Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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Looks like somebody new is customizing Felts. Kinda cool but $$$$$ $3400 website doesnt' work well. Pics came from FB


Yeah...I'm not s quite sure who spends that kind of money on a bicycle with a Chinese motor on it.

If I had that money to spend, you better believe I'd be looking for an actual motorcycle.
Wow that's random ! I've been to this shop and a friend of mine works there ! He was a forum member here "pullinlines " he's also my club prez and my painter and pinstriper. The shop is ran by some cool people. They pump out some quality motorbikes. Later I'll dig up and post some picture he took of the shop and some of the bikes. Beck if you guys want more pictures or have questions I'll stop by there in a day or so for ya... Their website doesn't do them justice ..
So, buy a 600 dollar Felt, stick a 200 dollar motor kit on it and ask 3400,... not a bad profit. :lol:
Dorian said:
How many people can ride these legally where they live?

The're legal to cruise here, 16 and up. As long as they don't go over 40 or 45 you don't need a license or tags.

I thought I had photos of the shop and bike's but I have photos from a exhibit they did but like I said I can go by and get some pictures and such



The red bike is a buddies creation...


slowriderz said:
yoothgeye said:
If that is indeed a Felt frame then I am seriously curious about how they sealed off the "tank" to actually be a tank.

Pretty good tutorial if you are interested

JB Weld... would've never thought, I know there are some gas tank epoxies, but I wouldn't have trusted JB with gasoline... oh well, just learned something new.