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It says steampunk which Im all for and have an awesome idea for, but no gaskill. What does gaskill mean?
I've seen this bike, not to offend anyone but it wasn't my favorite. What does "No gaskill" mean?. I have some cool steampunk bike ideas that would not be anything like this bike but more like a vintage steam powered bike. Gotta see Around the World in 80 Days again. I love the inventor guy.
johnp.smith said:
I've seen this bike, not to offend anyone but it wasn't my favorite. What does "No gaskill" mean?. I have some cool steampunk bike ideas that would not be anything like this bike but more like a vintage steam powered bike. Gotta see Wild Wild West again. I love the inventor guy.

...well Gaskills bike was a favorite for a lot of people (and me included) mainly for its over-the-top approach in building and creative use of materials during the last bike build(it looked like no other bike in the build) the "no gaskill" remark was a playfull jab at him because of his eccentric creativity that most builders would shy away from... :mrgreen: ...if there was a steam punk build, he would be a favorite to win...that is all that was meant. :) and I do believe that he can come up with a very creative steampunk that even Jules Verne would want to ride...and I dont mean slapping on some brass cans and rivets then calling it a day.
It was definitely over the top for me. I think the creative and mechanical ideas were wonderful. It was the big wheel in the middle that turned me off and I look at the ridability factor of each bike. It didnt look very usuable for more than a block or two and if he went over a bump or driveway, it would bottom out. It was a great concept, I just liked a few others a lot better. Im anxious for another build off, I have a lot of parts combining ideas. I cant weld but I do have an area to do some spray painting now.
...Yeah, I agree at first, but the big wheel in the middle was to emulate the extra large gearing needed to set high speed records in the salt flats or wherever. When i actually looked up in the internet the various speed bikes from the old past, it made so much sense. If there was a vintage high speed bike build, everyone would have a huge center wheel needed for gearing, in order to be "pre-multispeed" gearing time period accurate. :D ... d_bike.jpg
whoa!!! hows that for a single speed sprocket :shock:

...yup definitely not for cruising or curb jumping (sore back) :mrgreen:
his bikes are more art pieces rather than rideable bikes. you can if you really wanted to, but they wont work too well. exact same thing as Ed "big daddy" Roth. he made amazing cars, drove people crazy, but i bet some people nit-picked his cars saying, "yeah, but can you DRIVE it?" he builds them to impress people, to have fun, to get other people building and cooking up their own ideas. :D
yep his bikes are cool but they are more to the art side which is fine. i personally like my bikes no matter how nutty to be able to be ridden and ridden hard if need be. the steampunk look is not really my fav look but gaskill is the king of it. i prefer a more traditional hot rod look.