and it is a sad thing. when i first got into bikes, i held the schwinn name in high reguard and am glad that my 62' american HD is one of these bikes i grew up hearing about. my newest schwinn is an 86' tempo road bike, and its alright. i also have an early 2000's sidewinder hardtail mountain bike i was going to build up, but this bike is SO HEAVY and its not even 100% complete! need a special tool to get out the cartridge bottom bracket (and don't even get me started on cartridge bottom brackets, thats a whole nother post) and since i don't have one (but could easily get access to one) im gonna part this thing out for my clunker build (when is the next one by the way?).
guess im gonna have to get used to names like schwinn, cadillac and hummer that started off with this almost larger than life reputations going down the drain (and thats now a drain imported from china and sold at walmart). and it was earlier asked what would the original creaters of the OG cruiser frame say if they got wind of this news and say what was wearing a schwinn badge... well, i can imagine that they are rolling over in their graves. a comeback would be sweet, but im not holding my breath and thats what gives the companies like felt and electra, who put out a nice product, a chance to take the torch.