Old wrestlers

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Oct 14, 2006
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Holly, Michigan,U.S.A.
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Because of the Stretch vs. Chainsaw thread some of you guys have shown an interest in wrestling. So I thought that I'd post this old webpage I wrote several years ago. Just to let some of you know ... it's written as I talk and does contain words that some might find offensive.
I've been a fan since I was old enough to crawl. After this article I did wrestle for the WWA in a couple events before they ended. Somewheres I also have my original license to wrestle from the Michigan Athletics Board. This was required back then but wrestling is no longer considered a sport to be governed. The WWA was mainly a small organization in the midwest but it spawned many of the wrestling greats (I wasn't one of them). For a few years I hung out with a few of the Detroit affiliated promotions and met several of the stars from the 80s to early 2000s.
Also in High School I wrestled Rick Steiner and Dan Severns in a few tournaments.
Hopefully some day I'll be able to display all my cool wrestling memorabilia, then you guys will really see what OLD SCHOOL is!
Some of you guys mainly in the S.E. that were around in the early 1970's probably remember Atlanta Wrestling that came on Ted Turner's channel 17 from Atlanta every Saturday night. They had some old school showmanship on there. Thanks!!!
I remember watching Mean Gene announce the likes of Rick Flair, Rowdy Roddy Piper and Andre the Giant back in the mid 80's. Fast forward 15 years to 1999. I was in Baltimore on business and Mean Gene and Roddy Piper sat next to at the hotel bar.
I remember he first real wrestling event my dad took me and my brother too. The main event was Jake the Snake vs. Andre the Giant, Jake came out first, hid the snake under the ring and then he got the crowd wound up, then Andre started to come down the aisle and evyone was chanting Andre !!! Andre !!! Andre !!! ... if you didnt know ... Andre was afraid of Snakes ... he never got in the ring and the never actually wrestled lol but I still had a blast watching Andre an Jake the Snake for 15 minutes or so, Andre being suspicious and the crowd trying to tell him the snake was under the ring all the while Jake was taunting him from the ropes, Andre started to get in the ring and Jake grabbed the python and chased Andre out :lol:

I dont think either of them got boo'd and we still thought it was cool.

I remeber I got an Ultimate Warrior poster (though he wasnt there) and my brother got a foam "Hacksaw Jim" 2x4 before the show.and we got to see Hacksaw win and wave the American flag around in victory !!! I tried to trade my poster for the 2x4 to my brother without success for months after that.
I grew up in Northern Ohio and remember Johnny Powers, .... the bulldog Brower, Lil Abner Osbourne, Haystacks Calhoun, BoBo Brazil, Dusty Rhodes. The half hour show was in B/W then were in color later on.
Hey Wildcat, Them some great names right there! they hit the Detroit area alot. Do you remember Crybaby George Cannon? He wrestled and promoted the old old WWWF ( later became WWF/WWE) and AllStar wrestling among others. He became really good friends with me and my buddies. He'd always give us advance notice of the different events in Detroit and sometimes even tickets. Very cool old wrestler who truly loved the sport.

Cman, Piper was my 80s wrestling fave. That boy was crazy nuts on a normal day. My favorite match was when he wrestled Paul Orndorf in Cobo Arena. They beat the crap out of each other and then a week or two later ended up tagteaming for several months! On a similar note ... Bret Hart and Jim Neidhardt also wrestled each other in Detroit and then the next week showed up as the Hart Foundation.

Cashman, Was Atlanta wrestling part of Georgia Championship Wrestling? I know many of them guys wrestled all over the different NWA promos. It got kinda confusing at times.

Magic, Gorgeous George! Now that is old school! He was big time in our area and had many matches in the Saginaw area. I know that somewhere in my wrestling stash I've got a flyer of him fighting Leaping Lanny Shane!

Best match I ever saw, bar none, Road Warriors and Precious Paul Ellering vs. Ivan and Nikita Kollof and Krusher Kruechev (Spelling?) in a steel cage match! . My girlfriend at the time got in an argumant with Ivan and got tossed out (He snotted on her and she went over the railing after him!). We stayed and watched the whole show (extremely brutal) while she waited in the security office and watched on closed circuit t.v.!
On that card was also the 4 Horseman (Flair, Ole and Arn Anderson and Tully Blachard) vs. Magnum T.A., Dusty Rhodes, Sam Houston and Saginaw's very own ... The Italian Stallion! All around great night!
Thanks for keeping this thread alive!
I haven't really been much of a fan the last few years but many of the newer guys from Michigan I've watch since their beginnings in the Detroit area. Zach Gowen, C.M. Punk, Rhino and quite a few others have sat at our beer tables over the years. Even chugged a couple with a very old looking Tommy Rich at the Hot Rocks bar near Detroit.
Chainey, It probably was. Lot of the wrestlers mentioned here were regulars on that show. It was one of the first cable channels that we had. Some of those guys went under multiple names. Lot's of trash talking went on between them.
We used to get WWF in NZ in the 1980s and its was one of the biggest shows on TV. We also had a local schow called 'On the Mat' which had a lot of old school Ex-USA wrestlers like 'crazy' Mark Lewen, who I remember last seeing on TV in L.A. in the early-mid 1960s!

The old-time wrestlers from my misspent youth include Freddy Blassie (still the greatest, and if he were alive today, he'd tell you!), Mr Moto, Haystack Calhoun and Gorgeous George. Those tournaments at the old Olympic Auditorium were classics.

Wow, There's some great legends you threw out there! Not too many of these "Pencil necked geeks' will even remember Blassie as a wrestler! Crazy Mark Lewen! Never saw him wrestle but heard stories. Very cool!
I remember the night he went from being a hero to a villain (hence the 'crazy' handle) it was the talk of the playground at Hancock Park Elementary School! :lol:

There was also a Canadian wrestler named Marc Carpentier who was competing at that time.
I must have had a 'senior moment' yesterday. After I logged off I realised I should have written Edouard Carpentier, not Marc. Sorry.
Didn't Carpentier have sons that also wrestled? Or was it him and his brother? Sounds like you got to see a lot of the guys from the Canadian wrestling promotions. Do you remember Pampero Firpo(spelling?). My cousin use to get wrestling from Thunder Bay and Pampero was a regular. That boy was wild!
I'm not sure about Carpentier's sons. Pro wrestling is something I watch from time-to-time, so I wouldn't call myself an enthusiast.

My favorite era for the sport is really the 1950s-60s, (along with Roller Derby) when it was still in the fringes of society and not the slick spectacle it is today. As a kid, growing up in those days, it was a lot of fun to watch.

Then there's the Mexican version of the sport which is always great viewing! :roll:
:) In England on a saturday afternoon when i was a kid me and me dad used to watch on the tv the likes of Giant Haystacks, Mick McManus and Big Daddy! Got to admit we loved it so much though we where roaring with laughter all the way through....espesh when the old lady 2 rows back [EVERY WEEK!] used to attack one of the wrestlers with her brolly...it was pure pantomine over here but great fun!
........mind we used to go to the country fairs up our way and watch the Cumberland wrestlers! Now they realy did fight! Local lads battling to be the best...nothing else....mint!
mopedrodder said:
I'm not sure about Carpentier's sons. Pro wrestling is something I watch from time-to-time, so I wouldn't call myself an enthusiast.

My favorite era for the sport is really the 1950s-60s, (along with Roller Derby) when it was still in the fringes of society and not the slick spectacle it is today. As a kid, growing up in those days, it was a lot of fun to watch.

Then there's the Mexican version of the sport which is always great viewing! :roll:

60s thru the early eighties were what I was a big fan of. From that point to the present, things have gotten outta hand. The WWF/WWE has destroyed wrestling and turned it into a soap opera. Just like all the other sports and entertainment, when the worst participant can make a living off of it they no longer have the heart to perform. Bring back the days of the working class giving it their all for the fans on the wqeekend and then busting their butt for their boss. This goes for everything from car racing to wrestling.

Luche Libra (spelling?) AWESOME! The real stuff though, not the americanized crap! Somewhere's I got a book by a trainer Judo Jean Bell and Hector Guerro. Show some very oldschool moves and Lucha style.

I've also got some Roller Derby mags from the 50s. I'd like to find them but I know there buried towards the back of my junk in storage. We had a couple of Derby queens in my old neighborhood back in the 60s. They skated in Detroit and Saginaw. My cousin was a friend of theirs, I'll be seeing her this weekend so I'll ask some questions and report back.
Cool! Hope you can connect with the Derby Queens.

FYI, Roller Derby has taken off over here, recently. There are a bunch of young women who've taken on the sport and while it's not yet at the standard of the old-school pro jammers, they put on a great show.

Have a great weekend.

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